Saturday, September 27, 2014

Nagisa’s Dream

Title : Nagisa’s Dream
Story By : Inspiring Story Section (Tasya Aditya)
Story Art By : Eyesmilelaugh @ (Syafira Nurilhaq)
Disclaimer : This story is based on fiction and imagination

This is a story about some one, who fight to achieve her dreams.
This girl named Nagisa Motomiya or you can call her Atsuko Maeda the 14th. Nagisa Motomiya lives in Lancastar with her close friend, Orine and Yuuka. But now, her name is Acchan and she lives in Akibastar.

AKB0048 is an illegal idol group, DES want to destroy them. But they don't Give Up and always having concert in other star. DES is the military that refuses the Idol, so DES wants everything related to entertaiment should be destroyed. Because it is considered damaging the military world.

When she was child, some one introduced AKB0048 to Nagisa , Orine, and Yuuka. And the person was Chieri Sono. Then Nagisa have a dream, she wanted to become a AKB0048 member and be center nova. She shone bright and brighter than others some day.

Four years later, Yuuka found the registration form AKB0048. Nagisa was happy and join the audition.

Nagisa always practiced to make her voice became better, and always practice singing wherever and whenever. Until the time for the digital audition, and Nagisa passed from that digital audition.

Unfortunaly, her father didn't want if Nagisa join AKB0048. Nagisa refused, she was still struggling to audition for it! in early morning, she went quietly unoticed her father. But her mom, knowing waht Nagisa do. Then gave a ribbon on her hair, Nagisa said thank you to her mother.

Because it was too late, nagisa quickly cycled to the airport. Threw her bike, then she ran to catch the plane. Fortunaly, Nagisa got into the plane. Orine and Yuuka felt happy, because Nagisa didn't forget their dreams.

In Airport, she met someone who look familiar. But Nagisa didn't know who it was. In other plane, Nagisa met a new friend, but their were her rival. Makoto, Suzuko, and Sonata. When DES attacked their plane, then Nagisa knew. If the person had been a childhood friend who had introduced her about AKB, Chieri Sono.

Altough Chieri was different, Nagisa still want to help Chieri from roof ruins. Chieri couldn't believe it, because her Kirara was shining when around Nagisa and when Yuuko said if Nagisa had "The aura of an Idol"

After this incident, Nagisa and her other rivals having an audition. And anyone who passed the audition, but Nagisa, Chieri, Yuuka, Sonata, Makoto,Suzuko and Orine won the Audition.
In AKB0048, Nagisa always practiced her voice, her dance, and her fighting technique. Nagisa compete with chieri to be center nova.

Actually, Nagisa wants to be a successors name of Oshima Yuko, but Oshime yuko the 9th is still a successor, two successor can't use a same name at same time.

When Akibastar is destroyed by D.G.T.O, Nagisa won't give up. Whe want to tell, if AKB0048 not escape. But rather wants to save Akibastar people from D.G.T.O. But, all people still do not beliee and refuse arrival AKB0048. In that case, Nagisa is being a successor for Atsuko Maeda the 14th. The center of Senbatsu Akibastar.

This story teaches us, that we should not give up before trying and trying. Just fight to reach our dream and make dream come true.

(This story Adapted from AKB0048 by AKI - P *Manager Of 48 Family* )